Knowledge Management, what's on?

We launched our executive Knowledge Management Workshop series with two events in London on Sept 24 and Sept 26 and one in Frankfurt on October 9 with excellent feedback.

Great thanks to our KM speakers who included three of the top 30 ranked KM experts worldwide. All three of them Davids, -Snowden, Gurteen, Griffiths- all Welshmen (draw your own conclusions), and all with deep experience in sharing knowledge within organizations.

David Griffiths kicked off the discussion with some very important and enlightening facts, which are affecting our world, and the role knowledge plays in it.

What happened on 1 August 2013 that increased the US GDP by 3%? The government revised calculations to include new data it says will better capture the U.S. economy.

One of the biggest changes is how the agency measures what it calls the “knowledge economy” through investments in research & development, entertainment and arts.

Previously, that spending was included as intermediate components during the production of other goods or services. Now they will be measured as fixed assets to reflect their ongoing contributions. Research, development and entertainment for example, added $471 billion to the revised $16.2 trillion overall economy.

Hmm… seems we are in a knowledge economy so we better learn to measure it. Conclusion, Knowledge Management is on the map again as a strategic asset, we are just not calling it that.

From 1 October 2013, annual reports must include the introduction of a so-called strategic report, which will replace the current business review. The change is designed to help companies “tell their story” which will include strategy, business model, principle risks and challenges organizations have faced.

Social capital, organizational challenges and the approach the company has taken to address them will be reported, made transparent and will ultimately effect their valuation. Knowledge is in people, in their stories and represents the social capital of a company. This is the new knowledge management: beyond tools, reactive to connected know-how, experimental and preventive.

David Snowden shared an incredibly rich overview of how to make sense of complexity. We live in a complex world, for which models and frameworks are essential in order to manage an efficient path through simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic systems. Like all things, when going on a journey it helps to know where you are starting from, where you are going, and to have access to the stories of others as they have traveled this way.

David Gurteen's  Knowledge Cafe is a must do experience to "poke your own brain" and the collective’s on a specific question and sharing knowledge through conversation. 

KM Workshop

Knowledge Cafe run by David Gurteen 


Over 126 of our workshop attendees shared with us in writing knowledge management business challenges they are facing in preparation for our workshops. As evidence of the importance of an integrated approach, these challenges dealt significantly with social acceptance and how to get people to share their knowledge. Because knowledge management has been an uphill sell for such a long time due to a tool-focus and non-integrated approach, the other main challenge was how to justify its value and provide an ROI argument. The development of social capital to share knowledge and turn it into value is a core asset in today’s organizations that needs to be measured and will affect market valuations.

"How to" challenges are changing as the tools evolve from proprietary legacy systems to agile, experimental cloud collaboration.This is the role that TallyFox plays by integrating sharing of knowledge in an online workspace with project and content managment in a fun and easy to use way.  Our clients focus on the process and value creation not technical tools.

The golden thread of these discussions is the need to create spaces to share, use and connect know-how in organisations while developing their social capital and long term value.

It is an exciting time to be a part of enabling the sharing of knowledge to create a better future together. Please see the links to the presentations of our speakers below. We look forward to following up with attendees to addess their KM challenges.


Trudi Schifter
Founder & CEO, TallyFox

Source: IIRC

Presentations: David Griffiths, David Snowden, David Gurteen, Trudi Schifter


On 9 October, The Knowledge Management Workshop Series continued in Frankfurt, and united for the very first time, the three Davids. Below are the links to their presentations:

Team TallyFox & Speakers

The Three Ds (Snowden, Griffiths, Gurteen) and The TallyFox Team in Frankfurt, 9 October 2013



Clarification: the role of experimentation, and exaptation are important. ie, sometimes it does not help to know where you are going, but to take the first steps and stay flexible. David Snowden did not imply that it helps to know where you are going.
Thank you for this organisation. You had a great set of knowledge management thinkers, helping to lead this field of expertise. A pitty I couldn't stay for the whole traject - due to personal reasons. I also interpreted that the art of managing complex and chaotic systems is go ahead, learn, stay flexible. Since this iwhat you'll need in this changing world, getting more and more complex at a fast rate. And that the reason is simple: survival of the fittest.

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