What’s stopping them from sharing their know-how?
Timely access to critical information is the basis for improved decision making, effective work flow, good teamwork, product or project success.
Yet, although we live in the information economy, all too often employees end up withholding the information others need and, by failing in the quest to obtain those information, contribute to the lost revenue or increase costs to the enterprise.
To say the least - contribute to the failure of the project.
Reasons are many - from personal and cultural to organizational and technical.
Even more, oftentimes...

Posted by TallyFox on 19 November 2015
Comment (1)

Posted by TallyFox on 13 November 2015
If you rearrange the desk chairs, will collaboration take place?
We implement collaboration solutions that are not new - new is the change brought with the availability and fast adoption of collaboration software and mobile technologies.
But the decreased cost of infrastructure and storage have left many organizations forcing collaboration to their employees using solutions that do not match the need of the business or the corporate culture.
Instead of forcing collaboration to happen, companies need to create an environment in which collaboration can happen; to change how they operate to encourage employees to work together.
But how can an organization encourage collaboration without...

Posted by TallyFox on 29 October 2015
Dreaming up dozens of new ideas displays creativity, but until a creative idea is turned into an actual project, we cannot talk about innovation.
A lot of creative potential is in every organization just waiting to be unleashed, but, there is no innovation until an idea gets implemented, and that's why we need to talk more on the practical side of an innovation process. What does it mean?
It means that today you can choose between various collaboration and communication tools that aim to sparkle innovation and creativity.
That’s why we need to talk on how in particular collaborative platform can accomplish that: help people demonstrate their own brilliance.
This is where we answer the...

Posted by TallyFox on 21 October 2015
In our interconnected business environment, creating and sustaining innovation means building and strengthening interdependent links - in other words, building an ecosystem.
Creating and managing a business ecosystem requires an open environment that empowers collaboration and cooperation, making resources and participants accessible to each other.
In a technical and organizational context within a collaborative platform, the members can interact to achieve a specific purpose, share expertise and work more effectively.
However, the way each online platform evolves into an ecosystem is unique and the Platform Manager role is critical.
The platform manager develops and manages ecosystems...

Posted by TallyFox on 19 October 2015
Distance and time are no longer barriers to knowledge and collaboration.
As business environments interchange, companies and organizations are seeking new opportunities to innovate and bring value to their industries. To accomplish that, they are relying on collaborative technology.
But there are still many unknowns related to benefits and utilization of the collaborative platforms and tools.
Before you decide to invest in collaborative technology, we suggest you read these five articles - to learn how collaborative platforms can help you to improve your business, whether you seek to address challenges related to teamwork, employee motivation, or enterprise.
How To Improve...

Posted by TallyFox on 17 September 2015
Unlike tangible resources and material assets, which can quickly become available to competitors, knowledge is a unique resource as it increases in value through use.
But knowledge, as an intangible resource, firstly exists within the mind of the individual.
To be able to maximize the value of this resource is difficult, even impossible, without understanding how to leverage and share knowledge throughout the organisation.
“ Ideas breed new ideas, and shared knowledge stays with the giver while it enriches the receiver …only new knowledge resources – ideas – have unlimited potential for growth” (Davenport and Prusak (1998))
Businesses that seek to leverage expertise and know-...

Posted by TallyFox on 13 September 2015
We all know that the key success factors for companies have fundamentally changed.
The new business environment is forcing them to rethink their strategies, organizational and business models, and their capabilities.
In order to maintain their positions and grow, many companies are creating a community, or becoming a part of a business ecosystem.
Why a business ecosystem?
For a small company today, being a part of a business ecosystem provides mechanisms to leverage technology, achieve excellence in research and business competence, and compete against other larger companies.
Rather than resisting the change, the companies have to reshape and align their business goals and...

Posted by TallyFox on 11 August 2015
You certainly know the success stories behind Skype, Angry Birds and Supercell, but did you know that these are Finnish companies?
Finland is fastly growing to become one of the most vibrant startup scenes in the world and country’s startup incubators and accelerators are the major enablers of high-growth potential startup businesses.
Incubators are putting in place proactive measures to help companies grow and speed up their path to (international) market.
Through business planning and development, investment and funding, technology, governance and capability development, incubators and accelerators programs are empowering many young entrepreneurs to start and grow their business...

Posted by TallyFox on 29 July 2015
Knowledge networks enable rapid knowledge sharing, which, in turn, accelerates important processes in today’s business.
Whether we consider customer needs, product development process or specific projects, knowledge networks make possible for people to collaborate across geographic and organizational borders.
The knowledge networks benefits stem from new technologies that have made collaboration easier and creative people who are finding ways to use and apply those new technologies efficiently.
But benefits of knowledge networks are seen beyond the usual business context.
Knowledge networks have great potential to address global issues and critic problems, some of the world’s biggest...

Posted by TallyFox on 21 July 2015
Ask different people what are the top skills of modern leaders and you will get different answers.
Much has been said about the importance of leaders and leaderships, but most agree on these fundamental leadership traits of top leaders:
Establishing an environment of mutual trust
Creating a culture of care, support and encouragement
Focusing on clear vision and goals
While all leaders strive to meet the highest of standards, leaders do come in different shapes, personalities, sexes, and experience levels.
But winning at leadership takes practise, which is precisely why the latest Gallup’s State of the American Manager report shows these sobering numbers: