A company operating in the 21st-century should invest an equal amount of effort into developing its talented employees as it puts into recruiting them.
The value of new employees grows as they gain knowledge about the organization and its customers needs. Companies who support their talented people gain long term competitive advantage, and employees are rewarded by maximising their visibility and adaptability and creating a network of knowledge to help them feed and develop their expertise. Smart companies understand the competitive value of talented people and spend considerable time identifying and recruiting high-caliber individuals. ...

Posted by TallyFox on 25 April 2017
Folksonomies is a term coined by combining "folk" and "taxonomy" and the author of the term is Thomas Vander Wal.
These user-defined metadata collections were accepted as part of social software applications that enable users to collectively classify and find information via shared tags. Do not mistake folksonomies for taxonomies. Folksonomies structure content via user tags; taxonomies are classifications structured by more formal methods that do not automatically include user-generated tags and are not viewed as equivalent.
Let's take a step back and explain how folksonomies work
Tagging content is a way to create links between items as a means...

Posted by TallyFox on 24 April 2017
David Weinberger's perspective is truly unique. We might say that the reason is his work as David is the co-author of the Cluetrain Manifesto, senior researcher at the leading Harvard Internet center, a writer with innumerable publications in Wired, Harvard Business Review, KMWorld, Scientific American, to name a few, and a sought after keynote speaker around the world who leaves the audience smiling.
But the answer perhaps lies in his philosopher's training and years of experience on the front lines of the Internet economy.
When businesses want to discover the ways in which our networked technology is challenging our most basic assumptions, changing...

Posted by TallyFox on 29 March 2017
When McKinsey wrote a report in July 2012 entitled The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies, they understood that raising the productivity of knowledge workers is the most powerful application of social technologies.
They noted in their report: “The average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail and nearly 20 percent looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. But when companies use social media internally, messages become content; a searchable record of knowledge can reduce, by as much as 35 percent, the time employees spend searching...

Posted by TallyFox on 28 March 2017
There are officially 112 software options advertised as knowledge management solutions. Many of them are just collaboration or information management solutions, and won’t help advance knowledge transfer in your organisation, but this doesn’t mean they are bad.
This article will outline the features KM experts agree that all KM solutions should have in order to promote knowledge sharing, but also be straightforward to use.
What do users expect?
Familial interface
User experience has been taken to another level with the rise of social media platforms. One in five people has at least one social media profile. Facebook alone has 1.87 bn users...

Posted by TallyFox on 27 March 2017
“Knowledge management at the moment is influenced by IT people who are building solutions users don’t need. Instead of creating a knowledge sharing culture, we’re destroying it by the systems being put in place. Sharepoint is an example of that. It’s not dynamic and adaptive enough. Everything it does in terms of communities can be better done by social media.” said Dave Snowden in his interview for our blog.
And he is not alone to think this way.
If you search Google for “why SharePoint fails” or “problems with Microsoft SharePoint” you’ll get hundreds of thousands of blog posts, articles or discussions where people share their SharePoint pain stories...

Posted by TallyFox on 23 March 2017
Dr David Griffiths, the founder of K3-Cubed Ltd has been rewarded for his work, year after year, as one of the key worldwide influencers in the Knowledge Management field.
He holds a PhD in Knowledge strategy and management and an MSc in the Management of Training and Development, both from the University of Edinburgh, where K3-Cubed (K3) was started up as a result of research into knowledge management, business agility and human resource development.
As they say on their website, "K3-Cubed leverages the science of business to deliver multi-award winning High-Performance & High-Reliability management consulting, advisory,...

Posted by TallyFox on 24 February 2017
Professor Prabhu Guptara is regarded as a thought leader even though much of his work, by his own admission, is in fact very down to earth. He works with innovative, cutting-edge and otherwise outstanding people throughout the world to identify new ideas that might bring value to his colleagues and clients.
Widely reputed as a featured speaker and broadcaster, author of several books, and included in Debrett’s People of Today, he offers an unusual perspective regarding the areas on which knowledge management should focus today.
On his work, he says: “Even when I was organising think tanks for what was then the largest bank in...

Posted by TallyFox on 23 February 2017
We’ve all heard of Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. They create, update and moderate content that is accessible to everyone who has internet access. Wikis can also be excellent tools when applied to business. There are a variety of proprietary and open source solutions available, but for what use cases are they best suited?
It is said that using a Wiki is probably the easiest way to co-create a post and present information by replicating the Wikipedia model, but it is not the best way to discover and use content or share knowledge.
Jacob Morgan, from the Future of Work community, said...

Posted by TallyFox on 21 February 2017
Selecting the software which meets the requirements of your organisation and its business objectives could become a challenging task considering the number of available solutions. A hasty, uneducated choice could lead to various problems in your organisation. Some of which may be:
Not being able to support a key business process
Supporting a process inefficiently
Complications in daily operations
Unhappy employees
Unsatisfied customers
Poor performance
Loss of sales
Selecting the right software is, therefore, critical and it requires careful evaluation and selection guidelines.
Many organisations...