8 Ways To Strengthen Your Company Culture If You Share Knowledge

Let’s talk about the relationship between company culture and knowledge sharing. 
Culture is something in which we invest; once we manage to reshape our company culture and create an atmosphere where we can freely and openly share information, insights and knowledge, we can unlock the tremendous value of that knowledge. 
By sharing knowledge, we are able to strengthen and empower our corporate culture. 
What is the value of that knowledge for company culture? 

Trust and Honesty

People will not freely share and exchange information if they don’t feel respected and trust each other. 
The values of trust result in promoting other values, such as integrity and truthfulness,  further strengthening the relationships among team members.

Better and faster decision making

On one hand, the company culture affects how knowledge sharing evolves, on the other, when we share what we know, we can empower better and faster decision making process on different levels in the company or team. 
The basis for making good decisions is having access to relevant information at the time of need. 


When you can freely voice your ideas and expertise, sharing those insights and skills pave way to transparent and open community.
Moreover, in such atmosphere, there’s no room for favoritism, but fairness. Open relationship and atmosphere bring mutual respect, enabling everyone to be heard and involved. 


Sharing knowledge equals more power to diverse opinions and ideas. If your expertise and skills can help your team member embrace thinking outside the box, be more open-minded, or take risks, each person in the team is one step closer to being more innovative and creative.  

Reusing Ideas and Expertise

The individual skills and knowledge of each member is a benefit for the team; in each team there are people with widely-varying capabilities. Knowing what others know can bring greater power to the team, reusing their ideas and expertise and applying it to different work-related requirements. 
If you have figured out how to solve a certain problem, you can help your colleagues avoid making mistakes, minimize rework, prevent more problems and save time. Reusing ideas by sharing knowledge means accelerating progress. 

Communication and Participation

Every business benefits from their people sharing and reusing knowledge as almost everyone is an information worker. 
We all need information to do our jobs, and we all are thirsty for information and knowledge. When employees don’t keep their expertise and skills for themselves, teamwork, dialogues and collaboration are emphasized.
Sharing and continuous learning from one another encourages people to exert influence in the organization.

Making Learning A Routine

Knowledge sharing gives us an incentive to make learning a routine. In turn, we work in a culture where everyone continuously seek ways to perform better and improve.
Moreover, when we capture learning from experience we build knowledge that can be reused. 


We are all different and unique, and for any business, there is enormous strength in diversity. Sharing knowledge takes a different form, but whether through informal communication or team building activities, we all learn more about ourselves and others. 
A knowledge sharing culture embraces individuals for their uniqueness and diverse backgrounds. 
Strong knowledge sharing cultures are much more that slogans and promises. Values and norms of a strong corporate culture are formed through action and team learning.
As a result of sharing knowledge, more information and knowledge will be created and reused,  leading to better business agility and greater value creation.
To create a knowledge sharing culture, we need to create an atmosphere that is strongly conducive for sharing, both technologically and socially - to make knowledge sharing a priority. 
As Peter Drucker says, “business has only two kinds of key resources: knowledge resources and money”,  be smart and use them both


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